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We love those 'before and after' pictures. So, we thought, why not demonstrate how some simple design can enhance and improve an organisations image. Our challenge with Intasave and Caribsave was to combine both old sites into one modern responsive site - suitable to work on mobile devices and portable pads etc.
This new site has been built to enable Intasave staff to be able to update and modify the site themselves. By using the Wordpress application, the site uses a range of plug ins to also help with SEO, image and post placement as well as simple text changes.
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The site is due to launch in September 2013.
The site will help Intasave-Caribsave to further enhance its credibility and also extend its reach to new funding opportunities across the globe.
To view the live site please click
If you want to explore the idea of a new site, be it in Wordpress or any other web based application please give us a call on 01332 291141