Picture the scene:

February 2015, Austria.
Jonny is out with some friends enjoying a live music gig at Kosi's bar in the picturesque Tyrolian village of Fugen.
I am Joined by Hans (the ski guide for the day) we are all enjoying the live music and the apres ski atmosphere. Its busy and everyone is in chilled fun mood.
Apart from Hans. He is a little bit shy (unusual for a Dutchman!). So, typically me being me decide to do some matchmaking for him.
"What about her, she looks nice?" I ask.
Hans agrees. So not a moment to spare, I go right over and introduce myself to Nicole. I explain that my friend is a little bit shy and that he fancies her. All a bit of fun really. The result is I get them chatting and the evening continues with even more gusto...
I only see Hans a couple of times throughout the rest of the week and think nothing of the evening. We bid farewell at the end of the week. I never expect to hear from him again - which is pretty usual for a ski holiday. On my next trip skiing I had my accident and had to have extensive knee surgery so no more skiing for me in 2015...
Anyway, fast forward a year to March 2016 - my first tentative ski trip on my newly rebuilt knee. As expected, no Hans this year. He had obviously moved on. However, in my hotel room was a hand written envelope addressed to me. Inside was this lovely message for Hans and Nicole announcing the birth of their baby son Ben. I could not believe it!!
So I am happy to have been (almost) directly responsible for this new life and a very happy couple.
If you need any help matchmaking then give me a call on on 01332 291141. I can't promise a baby but I can promise quality creative...