We do a beautifully crafted piece of design and we can get easily hurt by anything other than positive reactions. (Typical of us sensitive designer types...)
However, we have to be realistic and our clients will nearly always know more about their markets than we ever will. So there is an easy way to get to the point... If you want to hear the truth never ask "do you like this?"
Most people will not wish to offend and will give an answer like "its OK" or "not bad".
If you want to know the REAL truth ask them another question, one which will illicit the truth albeit in a constructive and often more helpful way. It also avoids any brutal feedback that may offend.
Simply ask them: "What's wrong with this?"
You'll get a much more revealing answer - you may not like what you hear but it will pay off in the long run. If you'd like us to help you get to the truth, then give us a call on 01332 291141 and we will be honest with you about how we can help (or not).